Gail Meyers and KC3Lady
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Gaslighting Narcissists |
The blogs and groups or community were severely hacked again, in addition to the usual ongoing harassment, cyberstalking, scraping, etc. So, even though Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother Facebook Resource Page ranked above the fold in the Google search results for its keywords, it is still moving, but to Narcissism: Echo Apologetics. This move has been going on for more than a year due to the uninterrupted criminal activity.
The severe and ongoing hacking of the Blogger blog, as well as the blog Work at Home Grandma that went down and never came back up after more than one year of research, unique and helpful information after actually working for the legitimate companies found, and ripening, is partially the reason for the move back to Hubpages (find Gail and Kelly there),
However, Hubpages seems somewhat different than it was previously. Gail began writing on Hubpages, in 2010 or 2011, and Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother was targeted there when it reach to top of the Google search results. This, the most popular article Gail may have ever written is currently not even featured on Hubpages, where her articles no longer publish without review as they did before, nor do they immediately go to the top of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder topic as they previously did.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother Facebook Resource Page was also hijacked for the first overt hijacking in addition to the enduring smaller hackings and harassment, such as disappearing like and share buttons, groups coming in and hiding all posts then unliking, etc., the first overt hijacking was in July or August of 2012, coinciding with the release date of Danu's book.
In the Fall of 2012 Gail's computer, much like Randi Kreger's, (shortly after posting on Gail's Blogger Narcissistic Abuse: Echo Recovery blog (falling from 1,200 to 1,600 daily hits for years until stalking accelerated and continuing to fall due to hacker activity until the content was again moved several months ago) that she would like to quote Gail in one of her Psychology Today articles) was hacked and Gail's bankcard used in Washington State. The Walmart employee was willing to prosecute, but the police refused.
I recall Hubpages have so much trouble with rankings, scrapers scraping off the feed, Satanists going off in the forums about Christianity, and enduring a mass exodus of authors, as well as and the then CEO repeatedly reporting on their meetings with Google (Panda, etc., rollouts were back there somewhere, too).
While membership requests have repeatedly been deleted on the Google Community, and the view count was removed once it hit 1 million views years ago, the Google Community is still active. The YouTube videos were redated and hacked. There absolutely appears to be a high level Blogger and/or Google expert or employee who appears to be involved in the scraping, hacking, cyberstalking and theft for several years now.
Gail is still not reaping even the small monetary benefit from her own years of work raising awareness or criminally damaged authority built up in the niche over several years, but a small fraction of it, and even that is being questionably received and targeted. T
The Narcissism Bookstore was hacked years ago, with Danu's book placed on the front page by the hackers during that hijacking, a book that was intentionally excluded. The Narcissism Bookstore is no longer used because allegedly Amazon no longer offers bookstores.
(Their (Light and Danu or Michelle and Tracy and some IT guy of the blog Lighthouse (not the late Kathy's Lighthouse Blogger blog, but another one that must have been taken down once the association was posted a couple of years ago) alleged criminal activity has been posted by online authors for years, but whoops, it looks like "No charges! there either!
It must undoubtedly be that everyone is CRAZY but the criminals? Or, perhaps, law enforcement, like, oh, say the Internet Crimes Unit or something, might take it upon themselves to patrol this niche...nah! <still waiting> Of course, a crimes tip website doesn't do much good if it's HACKED. Gee, you would think of all people the FBI Internet Crimes Unit MIGHT be able to secure their crimes tip page. Nah, no charges! They don't respond effectively anymore than the local police.)
It really makes you wonder what really happened to Kathy who was a Blogger blogmaster in the narcissism niche who died suddenly. Here is a quick post from Anna Valerious who mysteriously revealed her true identity with a photo of herself even, years after completing her fabulous Blogger blog. I wonder why she also took all of her Amazon book capsules off of her blog.
The online and off line criminal activity has continued uninterrupted by the criminal justice system, so the books still have not been published. However, one has been stolen and threats have been received that the same thieves are stealing the other one. They flooded the then wide open narcissism niche in the last four years, kind of like the wide open elder law attorney and RN fields were in 2004 with the aging Babyboomers, but nothing has been done about that either.
"No charges!" (Kind of like when Bo was dragged 85 feet down I-35. Unredacted police and coroner reports still not received from KCMOPD, requested in 2016). So, the criminals have absolutely no deterrent or reason whatsoever at all not to also steal Kelly's Echo book. However, police let Kelly know that she just needs to "help herself" and there is "no trespassing" at KCI when you become homeless due to their complete and utter incompetence and corruption. However, they are very efficient at victim-blaming.
So always remember and don't ever forget, rape is caused by short skirts! This is the attitude, still, in the heart of America in 2018. It goes something like this...there are wild penises out roaming the streets who cannot possibly be expected to obey laws, control themselves, or have an "inner policeman," so it must be YOUR FAULT. (Angry Sarcasm)
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